Monday 19 November 2012

My Little Everything

Have you ever seen a little girl crying because her little gold fish has died? Have you seen tears flowing over her innocent cheeks? Have you seen the sadness in her eyes? What about the pain in her heart? Maybe not too long ago, you were that little girl yourself, or maybe even a little boy praying that your puppy comes home! Asking neighbors, posting pictures everywhere, hoping and waiting, and hoping and missing and missing and missing ….. 

Maybe your parents knew that the gold fish or the puppy were not gonna come back; maybe they were even somehow involved in them missing because of your allergy reaction or something; maybe they were even telling you that the gold fish was in a better place, and one day you will forget about the puppy; maybe they even thought this whole experience was cute and worth videotaping you, and posting it on youtube! "Let’s show your cute face crying over a dead gold fish to the whole world!"
You see, it was only a gold fish! A troublesome little puppy! Not having them around was not going to change your future. It might have been even better for your health! You could get over it eventually….. After all, how this small event was going to affect the life ahead of you?! "Go to bed tonight sweaty", wake up tomorrow and pretend nothing had ever happened! "Mommy will buy you another gold fish next week ……"

This is how sometimes I think God thinks about me and my lost little EVERYTHING! 

Maybe it’s too small to be even considered; maybe the way I’m crying over it, is just way too cute; maybe it is not going to affect my future at all; maybe it’s better for me not to have it; maybe he is going to give me a new one next month ……… 

He is right; he is God! but, my tears are real! To me, that little thing was everything!

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